ENGLISH - Saint Patrick's Day

Hello, everybody!!!

As I told you last week, tomorrow - March 17th - is the National Day in Ireland, dedicated to their patron saint: Saint Patrick. I'm sure that you have learnt a lot about him along the years, but I'm leaving here a link to two videos related to his story:

Can you leave a comment here on these videos??

But we also want that you discover more things about Ireland. And, as you have learnt about myths in Spanish lessons, we are going to let you know about an Irish one: the Giant's Causeway.

HERE you can read and hear the story, by clicking on the PLAY button. YOu also have a glossary on the right of the page in case you don't understand any of the words.

After you have read the story, you can join the next website and answer to the questions (before 21.00 tomorrow). We will be able to check if you did ok, so concentrate.

joinmyquiz.com, and type this code: 217339

The last activity that we want you to do is to invent your own myth. You know a lot about them, but we want you to give you some indications in this link. Write it in your computer, laptot or tablet and send it to me to the usual email, before next Monday.

And last, but not least, I want to leave here a video of a song that you may have sung with Gonzalo last year, because it's a typical song that the Irish sing in this day (and many others).

I miss you so much... I hope to be back at school soon. HAVE A NICE SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!!!


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