NATURAL SCIENCE - Solutions to activities pages 58 &59

Hi, Biodiversos!!!!

I am going to write the answers directly here, so you don't have to navigate so much this time:

  1. Pollen is produced in the anthers (male organ). Ovules are produced in the ovary (female organ).
  2. Pollination is the process when the pollen is transferred into the stigma, when the wind or animals transport it. Fertilisation is the moment when pollen finally meets the ovules in the ovary, after it goes down the style and get into the ovary.
  3. The different ways plants have to reproduce without seeds (asexual reproduction) are:
  • Non-flowering plants use spores.
  • Flowering plants use tubers, stolons or cuttings.
I'm reading your answers and I can see that most of you did it really good. Congratulations!!!


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